In addition to the 12 main acupuncture meridians that flow along the surface of the body, there are also deeper channels of energy in the body called the Extraordinary Vessels. You can understand the relationship between the primary acupuncture channels and the Extraordinary Vessels by thinking about what happens when it rains: first, small ditches become full – these are the collateral vessels that break off of the 12 main channels. Next, the reservoirs become full, which are the 12 primary channels. When they are full, they overflow into the Extraordinary Vessels, which are deep and vast lakes of energy within the body. continue reading
- Red Dragon Acupunture & Wellness Center6939 Mariner Dr
Ste D
Mount Pleasant, WI 53406(262) 822-4844 Hours
Mon10:30am - 6pmTue10:30am - 6pmWedClosedThu8am - 6pmFri8am - 4pm*SatClosedSunClosed*Summer Hours for Fridays are 8am-4pm ~ Fridays rest of the year are 8am-6pm
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